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Coleman Laboratory


Congratulations to Matthew White, recipient of this year’s Sir Michael Berridge Prize. The prize is awarded for his contributions to research creating and using a mouse model to learn more about the molecular biology of motor neuron disease, specifically a type known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD). This research was published in the leading neuroscience journal Nature Neuroscience earlier this year and the paper describes the creation and detailed analysis of a mouse model which replicates the human occurrence of the disease as closely as possible. The paper reports a possible new link between certain dementia-related proteins and ALS-FTD and suggests some possible new treatment approaches. Matthew is now based at the Maurice Wohl Clinical Neuroscience Institute at King’s College London.


The Coleman Laboratory does world-leading research into mechanisms of axon and synapse loss, looking for ways to alleviate axonal diseases. Our priorities are high quality science, valuing and training people, and disseminating knowledge to scientists and the public.

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